It’s the best thing to happen to the digital sector in Ireland in many years (potentially ever) and it’s back for another round. Grant funding for Retailers seeking to enhance their digital marketing and eCommerce capabilities, is once again available from Enterprise Ireland, in the form of the Online Retail Scheme 2023

What is the Online Retail Scheme?
The Online Retail Scheme is a grant funding scheme that is administered by Enterprise Ireland on behalf of the Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment , with the aim of encouraging Irish retailers to improve their digital marketing and eCommerce capabilities. The total fund is worth €3.4m, and since the scheme’s inception in 2020, it has supported more than 700 projects.
How much funding can I potentially be awarded?
Successful applicants will be awarded funding to support a maximum of 50% of the project eligible costs of €50,000 with a maximum grant of €25,000. The grant is calculated at a maximum of 50% of eligible expenditure of up to €50,000 (€25,000 maximum grant) and the minimum project expenditure is €20,000 (minimum grant is €10,000)
Is my business eligible to apply for this grant funding?
To qualify, businesses must:
- have an existing online presence (e.g. website or social media)
- have a physical retail store
- be primarily focused on selling products to end consumers (B2C). Businesses who are solely service businesses, or solely B2B will not qualify.
- employ at least 10 employees in the Republic of Ireland on full time contracts
It’s important to note that if your business has been approved for two projects (or more) in previous calls, then unfortunately, you are not eligible to apply again for this round.
For more information about eligibility for the Online Retail Scheme, click here
Key Dates in the EI Online Retail Scheme
- Call Open date: 4th April 2023
- Call Close date: 3rd May 2023 at 12.00pm (noon) for online application
- (Accounts must be submitted not later than 5.30pm on 3rd May 2023)
How can Little Rock Digital help?
Contact us today for a no-obligation conversation about your business, and how you could apply for this grant.